Thursday, June 11, 2009

It’s been some time since we were able to add anything to this blog, but with a few extra minutes tonight, I’ll see what we can do.

June started out with a bang here on the campus with the arrival of a small – 7 member – dental Work & Witness team coming from Colorado Springs. Members of the team were Wes & Carolyn Taylor, Mark Taylor, Dr. Bob and Diane Meyers, Dr. John Ley and Linda Dadiva. They arrived on Saturday afternoon, May 31st, took Sunday to attend church and get over jet-lag and get set up, and then on Monday morning they started in on our students, first seeing all the kids and then working up to the adults. Rhoda and I were asked to help with interpreting for them so we adjusted our schedules to lend a hand and look a bit “down in the mouth” with the dentists.

I must say, during that week we truly saw the hands of Jesus working among our students. They were connected to Bob and John and Diane and Linda, but they were the hands of Jesus nonetheless. Although outwardly they ministered medically, it was all done with the grace and gentleness of Jesus. Such care and love they showed to our students and others who came to be seen! It was a blessing to be witnesses of their ministry. During the week they filled teeth that otherwise would have been unceremoniously yanked, rebuilt broken front teeth, restored smiles, relieved pain, ministered grace, and one retired D.S. even had a partial plate made giving him two brand new front teeth and a smile that made him look 20 years younger! If all the work they did had been done in the U.S. at American prices, the cost would have exceeded $50,000! So we are praising the Lord. On the scale of the world's needs, this may be a small insignificant occurrence, but for us here at Seminário Nazareno em Moçambique, it was marvelous!

During the week we also had a four-member team of Youth in Mission, a program of Nazarene Youth International and World Mission, arrive to spend about 8 weeks with us here in Mozambique. They will be working with youth groups here in the Maputo area and attending various churches on the districts and generally ministering among the Nazarene youth here in the city. They are Jerry Romasco and Allyson Yost from Trevecca Nazarene University, Kaylee Brooks from Southern Nazarene University and Kristin Gould, a recent graduate of Northwest Nazarene University. We are enjoying having them around and our house has suddenly been livened up considerably.

At the end of the month Rhoda and I will be heading to northern Mozambique on a four week trip representing the Seminary. We’ll be visiting former students and holding mini-pastors retreats as well as attending eight different district assemblies and preaching along the way. We’d appreciate your prayers for us as we set off on this journey. We’ll be back home in mid-July in time to start teaching in the second module of this second academic term in the Seminary. We’ll be sure to add another installment here when we return with a description of all our adventures.

1 comment:

  1. Waiting for tales of your adventures up north!!! Sorry I've not had a chance to share my own adventures with you... will do so very soon!
    Love you much! ~ Bethie
